CUSTOM ROM MINIMAL OS V3.0 Untuk Lenovo A5000

CUSTOM ROM MINIMAL OS V3.0 Untuk Lenovo A5000

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XDA-Developers Forum, Rohan Taneja, Fire855, Ferhung, Yuweng, Superdragonpt, Orden Krieger, Raj Shekar, Pawan Diyal, Ajit Guraya and his website >>>, Fathurrahman Ara, Ricky Adhitya, Team Bliss, Exodus Developers Team, Resurrection Remix Team, Temasek Team, ADPTeam, Maximum Porting Team, Xtreme Porting Team, Unknown Porting Team, Moslem Porting Team, Team Roger That, and all of android porting team around the world... :D

and all member lenovo a5000

porting by opiz zipo